Dallas Green

Dallas Green

Dallas Green

Born in coastal Taranaki I farmed at Rahotu with my Dad until I was 34, when we sold our 2200 acre farm.  After Dad retired I took on a new type of farming by buying a broiler chicken farm in Inglewood and did that for 17 years.  From there I spent some time in sales selling farm machinery and cars.

In 2009 I bought an engineering metal pressing business in Auckland, after eight years moved it to Matamata and four years later moved part of it home to Taranaki. Three years on and a bit older the body started to hurt.

So I’ve decided to use the skills and knowledge picked up over years, plus I like talking to and meeting people, and apply that to Real Estate sales.


49 Battiscombe Tce
Over $895,000
9A Karina Rd
Over $935,000